Education & Awareness Resources
Free, quality marine education lessons, teaching guides, and presentations in multiple languages from around the world. Search more than 150 resources covering a wide range of marine subjects for kids to adults. You can inspire others to appreciate and care for ocean life.
Resource of the Month
In Search of Giant Squid is an English-language, multi-activity educator’s guide for learning about deep-sea exploration and giant squid. The guide is aimed at middle school students. Click to download.
Target Group: Primary School
Language: Portuguese
Subject: Fish
Ocean Literacy Principle: 5
Students learn more about sharks by drawing sharks and pay special attention to the anatomy of the animals. They discuss sharks and create an awareness poster for endangered shark species.
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Manila paper, coloring utensils, computer, projector
Teias tróficas-jogo matemático
Ciência Viva
Target Group: Middle School
Language: Portuguese
Subject: Coral Reef Life
Ocean Literacy Principle: 1,2,4,5
Game that demonstrates the marine food chain. Students play the food chain game and realize that there are different trophic levels with very little top predators and many primary producers.
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Paper, dried food like beans, rice and dried pasta, computer, projector.
Andando a deriva- Experimento de plâncton
Target Group: Middle School
Language: Portuguese
Subject: Plankton
Ocean Literacy Principle: 5
Students build their own models of plankton from aluminum foil. The students are challenged to create a model that floats, but starts sinking after a while, mimicking the plankton behavior.
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Plastic containers or buckets, aluminum foil, salt, stopwatch (or mobile phone), projector and computer or printed version of images of plankton
Les tortues marines
Target Group: Primary School
Language: French
Subject: Coral Reef Life
Ocean Literacy Principle: 5
Booklet with pictures and information about different turtle species: Hawksbill, Green, Olive ridley and Leatherback turtle. It also explains the life cycle of turtles.
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Computer, projector
Turtles in trouble-Game
Target Group: Middle School
Language: English
Subject: Coral Reef Life
Ocean Literacy Principle: 5,6
Game that shows the problems turtles face when they go on land to lay their eggs.
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30 m rope, 2 jump ropes, paper bags, beans or rice, post-its, marker
Seagrass picturebook
Tony Llobet, Pere Renom and Javier Romero
Target Group: Primary School
Language: Arabic
Subject: Seagrass
Ocean Literacy Principle: 4,5,6
Picture book about a boy who goes snorkeling in the seagrass and encounters an amazing underwater world.
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Computer and projector to show the book to the whole class, or printed copies.
Building a watershed-Experiment
Target Group: Primary School
Language: English
Subject: Ocean
Ocean Literacy Principle: 2,4,6
Students build a model of their own watershed in small groups. They predict how they can prevent marine debris entering the ocean.
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Sand, soil, gravel, water, big container (1 per group), permanent markers, spray bottles (1 per group), bottles, computer, projector.
Ocean Acidification-Experiment
Target Group: Primary School
Language: English
Subject: Acidification
Ocean Literacy Principle: 1,4,5,6
Students do an experiment to compare healthy shells and shells that have been affected by acidification.
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Thin shells (you can ask your students to collect a few shells), vinegar, water, heavy books or rocks, containers.
Dhyum the Dugong-Picture Book
Target Group: Primary School
Language: English
Subject: Marine Mammals
Ocean Literacy Principle: 5,6
Picture book about Dhyum the Dugong. The book describes the life of the dugong.
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Computer and projector to show the book to the whole class or one or more printed copies.