by Kim | Aug 23, 2016 | Marine Conservation, Plastics
23 August 2106 This year, Saturday, 17 September is International Coastal Cleanup Day. It is a great opportunity for every organization to get your staff, supporters, friends, and people in your local community together for positive action with immediate results....
by Kim | Jul 22, 2016 | Funding
22 July 2016 Funding – this is a topic that comes up again and again in every organization. Even if you have funding for the next couple of years, you still need to think about where your future funding will come from. In many small organizations, it...
by Kim | Jun 9, 2016 | Marine Conservation
9 June 2016 Each year on 8 June, most countries celebrate World Oceans Day. The World Oceans Day was formally designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008. The UN noted: “The oceans are essential to food security and the health and survival of all life,...
by Kim | May 19, 2016 | Ecotourism, Marine Conservation, Member Story
19 May 2016 Alan Kavanagh and I had the chance to talk about the Green Fins program and his role as Operations Coordinator. He explained what Green Fins does, some of the best practices they encourage, and his experiences working in the field. What Is Green Fins?...
by Kim | Apr 28, 2016 | Marine Conservation, Member Story
28 April 2016 Recently, I had the chance to talk with Samantha Cravens, Senior Programmes Officer at Zoox, over a cup of coffee. She explained the Zoox program in Philippines to me, and we chatted about some of her experiences. What Zoox Is Zoox, based in Dumaguete,...